
Growth through Internationalisation

Growth through Internationalisation

Towards increasing international co-operation

Sweden is a fantastic country where a mass of initiatives are underway to develop new products and services within MedTech. In order to become even better in our field we need to co-operate and exchange experiences between branches and across frontiers. To add our efforts to this development, Medtech4Health organised a session, Growth through Internationalisation, during the conference on Co-operation for Innovation.

Conference on Co-operation for Innovation

The conference on Co-operation for Innovation took place on Thursday, 4 May 2017 in Stockholm. The conference was arranged by the Government Offices of Sweden (Regeringskansliet), the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Formas), the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) and Vinnova – the Swedish government agency that administers state funding for research and development. The conference gathered together more than 400 people from authorities, the business world and academia while Medtech4Health’s session, Growth through Internationalisation – one of the afternoon’s parallel sessions – enrolled 120 participants.

A conference within a conference

Growth through Internationalisation - Discussion at Country Tables, GermanyOur session developed into a conference within a conference. Although there were problems to overcome – a certain confusion over times and scheduling being one of them – overall we are extremely satisfied with the session. Many conversations took place and masses of business cards changed hands, which was the object of the exercise. The way we set up the session can certainly be developed and used again in other situations. If anyone wishes to make use of our structure and our information texts as inspiration, feel free! There are also some notes and extra material in English that the National Experts sent to us which you will find linked below.

Thank you to all: Participants, Table Hosts and National Experts!

To conclude we want to say a big Thank You to all. To all the participants who shared their experiences. To the National Experts who travelled to Stockholm (some flew in especially for this session). And to all the Table Hosts who made sure that everybody had the opportunity to benefit from all that was said at the different tables.

National Experts

Anna Liberg, Business Sweden
Anne Geitmann, Business Sweden
Daniel Dröschel, Health Economist
Elis Benediktsson, Invest in Denmark
Elisabeth Nielsen, Vinnova
Inga-Lill Olsson, Embassy of Canada
Johan Snellman, Business Sweden
Lars Hagebris, Embassy of Finland
Michael Willmott, The Mission of Canada to the European Union
Mimmi Goude, Norge Business Sweden
Ninni Löwgren, Tysk-Svenska handelskammaren
Roberth Friedman, Israel Foreign Trade Administation
Ron De Sejgraaf, Market Access

Table Hosts

Cecilia Persson, Uppsala universitet/Medtech4Health
Fredrik Nikolajeff, Uppsala universitet/Medtech4Health
Frida Lindberg, KTH/Medtech4Health
Henrik Mindedal, MedTech West/Medtech4Health
Judit Wefer, Vinnova
Lena Strömberg, Medtech4Health
Maria Johansson, Vinnova
Pontus von Bahr, Vinnova
Ronnie Lundström, CMTF/Medtech4Health

Growth through Internationalisation - the country tables

Further reading

Some of the National Experts shared extra material with us – presentations that they showed or brochures – here are the ones that came in English.


Denmark on top
DK general presentation


Finland – your partner in innovation 2017 -170504 (1)
Finland – your partner in Innovation 2017 -final I


Canada InnovationBrochureContent
Canada STI-Print-Science_Technology_and_Innovation-EN

The Netherlands

The Netherlands Limburg Stockholm
The Netherlands MA 2017 Stockholm English
The Netherlands Oost Stockholm
The Netherlands Life Sciences Stockholm copy 3

Growth through Internationalisation - Discussion at Country Tables, Finland

Dela gärna detta!

Publicerad: 31 maj 2017


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