Medtech Week 2019: Decision support CDS AF for the treatment of atrial fibrillation – part in the competition Medtech4Health Innovation Award 2019


Related to other activities within MedTech Week 2019 the Strategic Innovation Programme Medtech4Health in Sweden separately announces the three finalists [...]

Medtech Week 2019: Decision support CDS AF for the treatment of atrial fibrillation – part in the competition Medtech4Health Innovation Award 20192021-11-25T09:54:08+01:00

Better radiation-proof clothing in healthcare


The increasing demand for radiation-proof clothing led Medtech4Health supported company Ten Medical Design to develop NAFT, a new, radiation-proof textile that is flexible and breathes.

Better radiation-proof clothing in healthcare2018-06-15T14:48:05+02:00

Solutio: Less pain in varicose vein surgery


During #MedTechWeek we share stories of medical technology in people's lives. The invention of Solutio facilitates varicose vein surgery, which could eventually make it available to more patients.

Solutio: Less pain in varicose vein surgery2018-06-14T13:13:07+02:00

Medical Technology thriving in Uppsala


Medical technology is thriving in Uppsala. Kristina Svensson reports from a day-long presentation of (mostly) Medtech4ealth sponsored projects in Uppsala organised by Medtech Science & Innovation for the European MedTech Week.

Medical Technology thriving in Uppsala2018-06-07T15:22:51+02:00

Aiming for gold with the Mollii suit


During #MedTechWeek we share stories of medical technology in people's lives. For Rickard Nilsson, the Mollii electro-stimulation suit is helping him aim for gold at the Tokyo Paralympics. Watch the film (in Swedish) and read the text (in English) to find out more.

Aiming for gold with the Mollii suit2018-06-05T11:53:05+02:00

Biomaterial som kan växa ihop med ben och andra medicinteknikprojekt som frodas i Uppsala


Biomaterial som får ben att växa ihop, snabbare val av rätt antibiotika räddar liv på patienter som drabbats av sepsis och enklare hemsjukvård är tre ämnen som serverades i Uppsala under MedTech Week när vi lyssnade på projekt som fått finansiering i någon av Medtech4Healths utlysningar. 

Biomaterial som kan växa ihop med ben och andra medicinteknikprojekt som frodas i Uppsala2019-09-06T13:37:32+02:00
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