Apply for a Clinical Fellowship

Are you employed in the healthcare sector and interested in helping AI tools reach clinical routine? Or would you like to increase your competence within the AI field? Then an AIDA clinical fellowship could be something for you. A fellowship is well suited for a pathologist or a radiologist, resident or consultant, but is also a possibility for hospital physicists, radiographers and biomedical scientists.

The deadline for the next proposal round is May 11, 2021.

A clinical fellowship within AIDA is an individual project where you work with AI-based decision support in medical imaging together with technical counterparts. The time plan can be fully individualized. Both shorter and longer efforts are welcome and it is possible to spread them out over time.

The offer includes up to 50% financing of  the costs and access to a unique arena with experts and tools. As inspiration you can have a look at our present fellowship projects here:

Full information about the prerequisites can be found in the following document: Clinical fellowship opportunity. A summary of the main points:

  • For professionals employed at a Swedish healthcare provider
  • The project plan should describe concrete activities in AI for diagnostic imaging
  • Expected project size is 100 – 400 kSEK
  • Maximum funding degree from AIDA is 50% of the project cost
  • The project must start at the latest six  months from the application deadline, and end at the latest Dec 31, 2021.
  • Some presence at the meeting place (most often CMIV, Linköping) is required, mainly at AIDA’s workshop series (pandemic situation permitting)

Proposals should be described using the template Template AIDA clinical fellowship proposal. The proposal is submitted to the Arena Director Claes Lundström at Incoming proposals are then refined in a dialog with the Arena Director. Therefore, we recommend submitting a first version well in advance of the deadline.

If you are interested in a fellowship but do not have a concrete project idea, AIDA can assist in developing content and collaborations. Contact the Arena Director well in advance of the deadline.


Ny AIDA projektansökningsomgång ”Införande av AI för medicinsk bild på klinik”

7 november 2024|0 Comments

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Claes Lundström
Claes LundströmArena Director


AIDA has a physical base at Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization, CMIV, at Linköping University. CMIV has a long experience of working with techniqual challenges  within medical imaging and implement innovations in clinical practice. CMIV is also internationally recognized for its interdisciplinary excellence in medical image science and the close collaboration with the clinic. You can read more about CMIV and AIDA at