AI in health and social care
Artificial intelligence (AI) is very quickly having a major impact in several sectors of society, not least in healthcare. These rapid changes also require skills development and create the need for new health professionals. The project will therefore benefit from the training tools already developed under the national strategic innovation programme Swelife and can be used remotely by, for example, healthcare providers or companies to introduce their employees to the technology used in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Documentation of knowledge and implemented AI solutions
A production company will complete video material that presents a number of AI-based solutions that are now being tested or have already been introduced in different hospitals around the country, this material will be able to be widely disseminated for information purposes but also to stimulate the creation of new solutions. The results and conclusions of the project will be compiled in a report to provide guidance to the Board of Directors of Medtech4Health regarding the selection of investments and priorities related to AI and medical technology.
To raise the level of knowledge in this area with a focus on AI and medical technology and to disseminate information about new solutions, as well as to provide the programme's Board of Directors for priority actions and future initiatives.
Power targets
The purpose of this project links to several of the programme's impact goals, including increased awareness and knowledge of the benefits of medical technology, more medical innovations useful in healthcare and care, and increased internationalisation through increased Swedish exports.
Project objectives
- Compilation of collected material and discussions with various representatives of other actors (other SIPs, centre formations, consortia, authorities, etc.).
- Develop a digital training package with tutorials to provide an insight into the technology behind AI and raise the level of knowledge in this area.
- Produce video material that exemplifies ongoing work to introduce AI in healthcare, and what potential benefit this can create.
- Complete a report to the Board of Directors of Medtech4Health to provide support for decisions on priority actions in AI and medical technology in connection with the program's impact logic.
Projekt ökar kunskap om AI och medicinsk teknik
Den snabba utvecklingen inom AI-området kommer att ställa nya krav på kompetens och kunskap. Medtech4Healths AI-projekt startar nu ett utåtriktat arbete för att höja kunskapsnivån inom medicinteknik-branschen och sprida information om nya lösningar i sjukvården baserade på AI.
Vinnova satsar på att underlätta införande av AI för vård och omsorg
Som en av flera satsningar erbjuder nu Vinnova ger nu offentlig sektor möjlighet att snabbt få AI-projekt bedömda av experter för att underlätta införandet av nya lösningar och avlasta offentliga organisationer i den ansträngda situationen till följd av coronakrisen.
AIDA blog: A milestone for ethics in clinical data sharing
What could be sound guidelines for healthcare, academia and industry in their current day-to-day work in AI?
AI-tema på Linköpings universitet
Under våren har Linköpings universitet (LiU) ett AI-tema där de bland annat skriver om AIDA och den nya SCAPIS-plattformen.
FREDRIK NIKOLAJEFF Project Manager AI Project
Tel: +46 70 531 58 10