Antimicrobial resistance the subject of the first InfraLife workshop
Antimicrobial resistance the subject of the first InfraLife workshop
Research and Infrastructure is a priority area in the Swedish Life Science strategy. InfraLife aim to increase the use of Swedish research infrastructures, broaden the user base to represent a range of stakeholders and stimulate cross-sectoral collaboration, to address some of today’s grand challenges.
These challenges require a collaborative and cross-disciplinary approach – where InfraLife aims to serve as a hub connecting stakeholders, displaying the potential of the advanced technologies and making these unprecedented tools accessible to be utilized in addressing complex research questions.
The InfraLife Hub aims to improve the knowledge, availability and user base of unique technologies and services offered by the three infrastructures. It will also create opportunities for tech development, transfer and innovation with industry.
InfraLife is a four-year project with the large-scale research infrastructures SciLifeLab, MAX IV and ESS, also partnering with industrial organizations SwedenBIO & LIF and in collaboration with SWElife, MedTech4Health and Swedish MedTech.
The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council and aims to increase knowledge and facilitate infrastructure access across sectors such as academia, industry, and health care. By doing so, InfraLife intends to stimulate cross-sectorial collaborations advancing science utilizing the infrastructures, to enable the life science industry and healthcare sector to benefit from research infrastructure, and to create relevant data support and structures.
The first InfraLife workshop addresses antimicrobial resistance
The first InfraLife workshop gathers stakeholders in the field of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) for a joint discussion on 2 June, 2021, 9:00-13:00. Organised by SciLifeLab, MAXIV, ESS, SwedenBIO, LIF, SWElife, MedTech4Health.
Antimicrobial resistance is a major health threat and resistance to common antibiotics is estimated to cause 700,000 deaths each year globally. There is a strong need for new antimicrobials, but also for better diagnostics and non-antibiotic methods to advance the development of new strategies against AMR.
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Vi stänger 2024 fyllda av glädje och stolthet efter att ha läst nioårsutvärderingen av Medtech4Health. Utvärderingen fokuserar på de senaste tre åren fram till 2023 men täcker programmets utveckling från starten 2015. Mycket uppmuntrande läsning för alla oss som arbetar inom den medicintekniska sektorn.
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”Well-Run Programme That Has Driven Significant Progress”
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Delta med oss på Framtidens Hälso- och sjukvård i Stockholm
Medtech4Health finns på plats med monter och dubbla seminarium under Framtidens Hälso- och sjukvård den 22-23 januari 2025. Som medlem i Medtech4Health-familjen finns möjlighet att ta del av ett rabatterat erbjudande till konferensen.
Två nya utlysningar öppnar i januari 2025
I januari öppnar utlysningarna IMPlementering av medicinteknik inom vård och omsorg och Kompetensförstärkning i småföretag.
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Följ nyheter och utlysningar från Medtech4Health - prenumera på vårt nyhetsbrev.