Welcome to: MAXA MedTech workshop
When: March 13, 2019
Location: MAXIV, Fotongatan 2, Lund
Welcome to the workshop on applications and technologies for the MedTech industry at MAX IV and ESS organized by MAXA MedTech on March 13, 2019
The MAXA MedTech workshop
On Wednesday, March 13, MAXA MedTech will organize a workshop at the MAX IV facilities in Lund. The focus will be on applications and technologies, relevant for the MedTech industry, that exist or will be available at the large research infrastructures MAX IV and ESS (European Spallation Source) at the University of Lund in Skåne in southern Sweden. Our aim is to increase the accessibility and use of these facilities both nationally and internationally by the MedTech industry.
We want to create a network that brings together industries with common interests, which in the long run can generate new platforms and projects.
Together, we aim to increase the MedTech industry’s awareness and knowledge of relevant instruments that are being built at MAX IV and ESS. We also seek to enable participation in the building of test environments at these research facilities, specially designed for the MedTech industry, testing everything from implants to devices and diagnostics.
March 13, 2019
For a detailed program, please click here
09:00-11:40 Introduction and presentations of technologies and applications.
11:40-12:30 Lunch.
12:30-14:00 Group discussions: device, diagnostics, and implants.
14:00-15:00 Optional: Visit the MAX IV facilities.
15:00-16:00 Group discussions continued.
Participation fee
The workshop is free.
Registration should be made via email to Maja Hellsing no later than February 28.
Please note that the registration is binding. If you cannot attend, please offer your place to a colleague. Notify us of any name change.
Maja Hellsing maja.hellsing@ri.se
Jenny Rissler jenny.rissler@ri.se
MAXA MedTech project
MAXA MedTech is a strategic project within the Medtech4Health program which aims to encourage the Swedish MedTech industry to utilize the infrastructure MAX IV and ESS in Skåne.
Through outreach activities, seminars and workshops we aim to spread knowledge of the relevant applications and techniques for the industry that are under construction at MAX IV and ESS.
More information about the project’s objectives and implementation can be found on the project’s website: https://medtech4health.se/maxa-medtech/

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