MT4H-bilder fr MTW (3 av 7)

The first calls will open early in 2016

Sweden has a long tradition of innovation in Medical Technology, or medtech, with many internationally recognized products and techniques. Vinnova, the Swedish innovation agency, works to enable the country to retain and boost this position. This is why Vinnova established Medtech4Health as one of its strategic innovation programmes.

Medtech4Health supports medtech projects financially. During its first three years Medtech4Health will distribute close to SEK 110 million through calls for applications for financing, and through activities. Projects that focus on the patient and that may lead to the practical implementation of ideas will be prioritised.

First calls for application 2016

The first three calls will open in January and February 2016. They all address different areas.

1) Collaborative projects in medical technology

The first and largest call for applications will open on 28 January 2016. SEK 20 million are available for projects in medical technology. Projects applying for funding should be collaborations between at least two parties, for example parties drawn from the worlds of academia, business, healthcare practice, etc.

Note that you may not apply for this call and to a similar call for applications from SweLife.

2) Companies in need of clinical expertise

The second call will open 1 February 2016 and stay open for most of the year. The applications will be evaluated regularly. It is aimed at small companies that need to hire clinical expertise in order to evaluate an innovation.

3) Innovation in health care

The third call will open 8 February 2016. It is aimed at healthcare staff who want to develop innovative healthcare practice.

Keep in touch through our newsletter

More information will be available when the calls open. Applications will be made through the Vinnova web site. To be notified when the calls for applications open, please subscribe to our newsletter.


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More options at the Swedish contact page.

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Publicerad: 30 november 2015


God jul och gott nytt år önskar vi på Medtech4Health

20 december 2024|

Vi stänger 2024 fyllda av glädje och stolthet efter att ha läst nioårsutvärderingen av Medtech4Health. Utvärderingen fokuserar på de senaste tre åren fram till 2023 men täcker programmets utveckling från starten 2015. Mycket uppmuntrande läsning för alla oss som arbetar inom den medicintekniska sektorn.


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