
Swecare arranges digital delegation trip to the US

Swecare arranges digital delegation trip to the US

This digital delegation trip to the US is a unique opportunity to tackle the problem of accessing new contacts during the pandemic, to learn more about the US healthcare system and its priorities under the Biden administration and to raise important issues and exchange interesting ideas with relevant stakeholders.

Foto: K. Pohl, Regeringskansliet

Minister for Health and Social Affairs
Photo: K. Pohl, Government offices.

Join Swecare and partners on this digital delegation to the US headed by H.E. Lena Hallengren, Minister for Health and Social Affairs. The delegation is organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, the Swedish Embassy in Washington DC and the Swedish Consulate General in NY, and the Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce in USA.

The delegation offers participants to explore the market, exchange ideas with local actors and get connections for export.

The dates of the delegation trip are now set for 22-24 of March 2021 and will consist of 3 half-days (afternoon to early evening). Apart from internal meetings with the Swedish group, the tentative program contains:

  • Webinars on important Regulatory and Reimbursement Issues
  • A High-level Forum on current healthcare challenges and opportunities with breakout sessions on the digital transformation of healthcare, cancer care and elderly care.
  • Depending on the COVID-19 situation in March, “study visits” or digital meetings with decisionmakers at 3 hospitals/healthcare providers
  • Possibility of meetings with state-level organizations promoting location and investment

Take this opportunity to explore the market and meet new key opinion leaders and potential customers.

Read more in Internationalisation


Innovation Hive: Banbrytande teknik – lösningen för vårdens transformering och patientnytta

13 februari 2025|

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Följ nyheter och utlysningar från Medtech4Health – prenumera på vårt nyhetsbrev.

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Publicerad: 22 februari 2021



Följ nyheter och utlysningar från Medtech4Health - prenumera på vårt nyhetsbrev.