Jonas Sareld is the new Programme Director at Medtech4Health
(Swedish original by Anna Lefevre Skjöldebrand, published 14 March 2019 here.)
It is with great pleasure that I can announce the recruitment of Jonas Sareld as the new Programme Director for Medtech4Health. Jonas is 46 years old and has experience of both commercial healthcare, most recently at telemedicine company MedHelp, and healthcare under the direction of county and regional councils. He has worked as a project manager on the 1177 eHealthcare service and as a political officer within SLL (the Stockholm Region healthcare authority).
Jonas will take over formally as Programme Director from 1 April 2019. Current Acting Director Mona Jonsson will give up her role at that time, but will continue to play an important part in the Programme office. I would like to give a special thanks to Mona who has been the sure foundation for the Programme’s activities over the last few months and has contributed enormously with her knowledge and dedication.
Kristina Svensson leaves Medtech4Health
This spring we will unfortunately say farewell to a key staff member of the programme office as Kristina Svensson has chosen to leave us. Kristina has been a driving force behind several important projects and activities and has made a significant contribution to building the programme as it exists today. I would like to thank Kristina for all she has contributed during the first three years of the programme. Kristina will leave us at the end of March.
I look forward to working with you all to continue to develop Medtech4Health as a strategic programme, and the medical technology industry in Sweden.
Anna Lefevre Skjöldebrand
Chair of Medtech4Health
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