
At Medtech4Health, we strive to work through increased collaboration between a number of organizations for increased exchange between Swedish medical technology and players in other countries. The focus is on the projects and companies that have received funding from Medtech4Health. Here we collect information that can contribute to the internationalization work for your project or company, such as which partners Medtech4Health works with and current seminars and announcements.


Small and medium-sized innovative medical companies often experience demands for internationalisation at an early stage. This is a central and difficult challenge, as small and medium-sized medical technology enterprises (SMEs) are rarely equipped for this task. A study Medtech4Health produced in 2019 showed that:

  • internationalisation is one of the foremost strategic challenges for a company,
  • effective internationalisation lays invaluable foundations for later added value,
  • it is difficult to find partners to collaborate with, for studies and for support regarding regulatory conditions, compensation systems, distribution, procurement, etc.,
  • it is costly and time consuming to make mistakes and it may take a long time before one realises one is on the wrong path or working with the wrong partner,
  • there are good examples of functioning support mechanisms in different parts of the country, while there are also many gaps.


Through strategically selected collaboration, good operations are strengthened and new ones created. Such collaboration generates:

  • increased qualified contact areas for Swedish innovative medtech SMEs,
  • increased qualified partnerships (studies, distribution, development, investments),
  • increased visibility and contacts for Swedish companies as regards European and Swedish investors with experience in Medtech related areas,
  • increased visibility and contacts for Swedish researchers as regards the European research élite in medical technology,
  • increased visibility and influence for medical technology as an area within EU calls for funding applications, and with the Swedish Research Council and other financiers.

Latest news in English

Swecare anordnar digital delegationsresa med Lena Hallengren till USA

By |22 februari 2021|

Denna digitala delegationsresa till USA är ett unikt tillfälle att ta itu med problemet med att få tillgång till nya kontakter under pandemin, att lära sig mer om det amerikanska sjukvårdssystemet och dess prioriteringar under Biden-administrationen och ta upp viktiga frågor och utbyta intressanta idéer med relevanta intressenter.



BERTIL GUVE Project Manager
Tel +46 8 790 97 35


EIT Health Scandinavia
EIT Health is a community of knowledge and innovation under the EU umbrella. EIT Health Scandinavia is the northern co-location center for EIT Health.

Developing global partnerships in health


  • Access and success for Medtech4Health’s project portfolio for EIT Health’s programme and funding
  • Possible delegation trips, probably to Australia and Germany
  • Special offer for Medtech4Health companies attending the Medica 2020 Trade Fair, in collaboration with the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce
  • Access for Medtech4Health’s project portfolio to medtech-competent foreign investors through, for example, the EIT Health Investors Network and the MedTech Strategist Summit
  • Facilitate innovative SMEs with an overview of and access to relevant support organisations in Sweden, such as incubators and accelerators with MedTech competence, STING BridgeHead, Business Sweden, EU grants etc.
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