Innovation advice for internationalisation
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
The Enterprise Europe Network provides small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with advice and support in finding new funding opportunities and business partnerships to expand their markets internationally. The Enterprise Europe Network is comprised of some 600 organisations in 67 countries worldwide. The Enterprise Europe Network is comprised of some 600 organisations in 67 countries worldwide. The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) in Sweden consists of 13 different organisations, present in 20 cities and represented by more than 45 different professional business and innovation advisors.
EEN Europe: Enterprise Europe Network ( EEN Sweden: Enterprise Europe Network
MedTech Bridge – launching in the US
Are you interested in launching your medical device product or service in the US? Register your interest to become a member of MedTech Bridge! Free of charge until further notice.
Membership is designed as a three-stage rocket depending on your needs and offers a comprehensive portfolio of programmes and activities designed to support your unique market entry.
Until further notice, membership is free of charge. In the event that after September your needs extend to the fee-based options, Medtech4Health has the ability to assist with a financial contribution.

BERTIL GUVE Project Manager
Tel +46 8 790 97 35
EIT Health Scandinavia
EIT Health is a community of knowledge and innovation under the EU umbrella. EIT Health Scandinavia is the northern co-location center for EIT Health.
Developing global partnerships in health