
IMPACT Advocacy Platform crosses the line

(Original Swedish by Lena Strömberg, published 1 April 2019 here.)

It is possible to influence Brussels and increase Swedish interest in EU funding. Read more about the results we have achieved and what we have learned.

Swedish medical technology needs to be better at making visible its strengths in research, collaborations and innovation environments in the international arena, and thereby attracting more of the EU’s various research and innovation funding. Consequently, in 2017 and 2018 Medtech4Health, together with Swelife, ran the IMPACT Advocacy Platform project.

The project can show several direct results, and we have drawn nine conclusions from these about what is required for life science and medical technology in Sweden to achieve a greater international success.

    1. Strategic work at national level
    2. More expert assessors
    3. Increase learning
    4. Participate in existing consortia
    5. Increase co-ordinator responsibility in Sweden
    6. Develop Swedish areas of strength and networks
    7. Increase transparency in statistics and follow-up
    8. Increase the Swedish presence in international contexts
    9. Develop “Reference Group Health”

We would like to thank the other participating organizations, without whose involvement, work and input the project would not have been so successful: Lif, EU SME Support Office, Swedish Medtech, Sweden BIO, EIT Health och VGR.


“H2020 Facts, Tips and Tricks” – a guide about Getting funding from EU’s Framework Programs (English)
Sammanställning resultat IMPACT 190201 (Swedish)
Lärdomar från internationaliserings- och påverkansarbete inom hälsa (Swedish)
Slutrapport (Swedish)

Read more on our project page (English).

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Publicerad: 7 april 2019


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