Calls for funding applications within medical technology
Supporting innovative medical technical projects financially is an important part of Medtech4Health’s operations. One tool is open calls for applications for funding. Different calls have different purposes and target groups. Sometimes we focus specifically on healthcare, sometimes on small businesses and sometimes on collaborative projects. Generally we prioritise:
- Projects involving parties from several healthcare sectors, in other words collaborations involving two or more of industry, academia, health and social care, and patients (users) and/or patient organisations.
- Projects that have commercial potential or are otherwise useful.
- Projects that put people in focus.
News about calls
Kommande utlysning: Medicintekniska innovationer inom vård och omsorg
Den 29 januari 2016 öppnar den första utlysningen av medel från det strategiska innovationsprogrammet Medtech4Health. 20 miljoner finns avsatt för de projekt som beviljas [...]
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Vinnova finances Medtech4Health. Vinnova also decides which projects receive funding.
For more information about Medtech4Health’s calls, and other open announcements, visit the website of