AIDA-dag september

AIDA Day September 2020

AIDA Day September 2020

AIDA Day in September would have been relocated to a place other than Linköping for the first time since AIDA started. Lund would be the first to host. Due to the fact that the situation is as it is, it was instead a well-attended meeting at a distance.

More than 60 participants from around the country participated in the meeting. The theme for the day was “Medical AI Applications and Data Handling” and first out was Bart Wilkowski from the Statens Seruminstitut in Denmark. Bart leads the IT team for Denmark’s national biobank and has been involved in building up the national system for finding biobank samples and data.

The Danish Biobank Register is an open website where researchers can go in and search for material without first having to apply for a permit to use it. When the researcher has established that material or data is sufficient for the study, the application procedure starts. The register provides an easily accessible overview that saves a lot of time and makes the assets visible.

Bart also presented the work they do to collect data produced by the research groups when they analyze biobank samples in databases so that they can be useful in other research studies. This includes building a secure system for pseudonymization.

Lund contributed presentations by Julius Åkesson who talked about improvements in semantic segmentation in deep learning and Magnus Dustler who talked about validation of AI for breast cancer.

During the day, two completed AIDA projects were also presented. It was Rodrigo Moreno, KTH, who told about his project to identify brain structures for the hearing impaired and Christoffer Levandowski, QRTECH, whose project is about diagnosing fundus images.


Ny AIDA projektansökningsomgång ”Införande av AI för medicinsk bild på klinik”

7 november 2024|

AIDA är en nationell arena för forskning och innovation kring artificiell intelligens, AI, för medicinsk bildanalys. Basen är i Linköping men arenan är nationell.  Just nu bjuder AIDA in till en förslagsomgång för kliniska fellowships och kliniska utvärderingsprojekt. Deadline för ansökan är 12 november 2024.

Snabbare hjälp vid blodpropp i lungan

14 december 2022|

När röntgenläkare i Halmstad tog hjälp av AI hittade de fler blodproppar hos patienterna än tidigare. Nu har AI-granskningen blivit en del av det dagliga arbetsflödet och kortar tiden till diagnos och behandling. Sedan år 2020 har sjukhuset i Halmstad haft hjälp av AI, artificiell intelligens, för att granska röntgenbilder.

AIDA leder vägen för nya AI-lösningar i vården

15 november 2022|

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Dela gärna detta!

Publicerad: 4 oktober 2020


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Följ nyheter och utlysningar från Medtech4Health - prenumera på vårt nyhetsbrev.