
Opportunity for SMEs to apply for funding from EIT Health

(Swedish original by Sara Qvarlander, published on 12 March 2019 here.)

EIT Health is a network of health innovators supported by the EU. EIT Health delivers solutions that enable European citizens to live longer and healthier lives by promoting innovation. There are many opportunities for Small and Middling Enterprises (SMEs) to apply to EIT Health for funding. Read more in this English language PDF.

Does this sound interesting? Contact Christos Vaitsis, EIT Health, if you want to discuss whether this is oportunity is suitable for your company (+46 70 930 8334 /

If you are an MT4H-funded project, inform Christos Vaitsis of this when you talk with him, and remember to also contact your node representative.

Dela gärna detta!

Publicerad: 19 mars 2019



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