
The call for Collaborative projects for better health opens in September

The call for Collaborative projects for better health opens in September

The call for Collaborative projects for better health is a joint effort from the strategic innovation programs Swelife and Medtech4Health. Now we are preparing for a new round. For you who have an innovative project in health and life science – apply! The call opens in September.

The structure will be similar to the previous year, with a similar call basis. There will still be requirements for collaboration between different parties from different sectors. The schedule is about the same.
Vinnova publishes more information here as it’s made available.


God jul och gott nytt år önskar vi på Medtech4Health

20 december 2024|

Vi stänger 2024 fyllda av glädje och stolthet efter att ha läst nioårsutvärderingen av Medtech4Health. Utvärderingen fokuserar på de senaste tre åren fram till 2023 men täcker programmets utveckling från starten 2015. Mycket uppmuntrande läsning för alla oss som arbetar inom den medicintekniska sektorn.


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Publicerad: 25 maj 2022



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