Medtech that serves humanity
Medtech4Health is a Strategic Innovation Programme within Medical Technology. We are a catalyst for more medical technological ideas, and solutions in healthcare, a more efficient healthcare sector and a strengthened medical technology industry.
Medtech that serves humanity
Medtech4Health is a Strategic Innovation Programme within Medical Technology. We are a catalyst for more medical technological ideas, and solutions in healthcare, a more efficient healthcare sector and a strengthened medical technology industry.
Möt finalisterna i Medtech4Health Innovation Award 2025
Medtech4Health2025-03-05T16:15:35+01:004 mars 2025|
Finals in the Health Data Sweden Hackathon
Medtech4Health2025-02-14T10:35:13+01:0013 februari 2025|
Accelerate your medical technology development with a European expert mentor
Medtech4Health2025-02-14T10:34:42+01:0013 februari 2025|
Innovation Hive: Banbrytande teknik – lösningen för vårdens transformering och patientnytta
Medtech4Health2025-02-14T10:49:39+01:0013 februari 2025|
Sökes: innovativa lösningar för 3D-printing i sjukvården
Medtech4Health2025-02-14T10:39:18+01:0013 februari 2025|
Nu är finalisterna utsedda i årets Medtech4Health Innovation Award
Medtech4Health2025-03-05T11:17:59+01:0013 februari 2025|