Procurement as an enabler for innovation – seminar 16th November
Procurement as an enabler for innovation – seminar 16th November
What does innovation procurement mean and how can it enable new and better solutions for public activities in collaboration with the business community? These questions are the focus of this seminar, which is being carried out in collaboration between the Sweden’s National Agency for Public Procurement, Medtech4Health’s UppHim project, the Västra Götaland region and MedTech West.
Participants will receive answers to the following questions:
• How can you work with procurement, seeing it as an enabler rather than an obstacle?
• How can you work with innovative ideas and functional requirements to solve the needs of your business or operation ?
• Examples of methods and procurements will be presented.
Programme points
• Decision-making paths and the financing of innovative projects for future procurement. The significance of the requirements for meeting the need.
• How to prepare the implementation of the procurement before the contract.
• The Public Procurement Authority explains concepts and methods regarding innovation procurement and the importance of functional requirements.
• What is the practice in working with a procurement project?
• Experiences of innovation procurement – a supplier’s perspective.
Practical information
It is possible for a limited number of people to participate on site in person, but it is also possible to participate digitally. When you register to participate you can indicate if you wish to be physically present. On-site places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Time: 16th November at 13.00–16.00
Location: Birgit Thilander room, Academicum in Gothenburg
Deadline for registration: 10th November 2020. Limited number of places – first come, first served!
Cost: Free – but you must register in advance
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