”Sälj i unga företag”, höstens första Innovation Hive
I onsdagens Innovation Hive var Torbjörn Kronander, VD på Sectra och även styrelseledamot i Medtech4Health gäst och temat var ”Sälj i unga företag”.
“Sales in young companies” will be the first theme during this autumn’s Innovation Hives
Starting in September, Medtech4Health's Innovation Hive initiative continues. Three occasions have been planned so far and the first guest will be Sectra's CEO Torbjörn Kronander, also a board member of Medtech4Health.
Workshop on Medical Technology Implementation
In order to create better conditions for medical technology products to be useful, the National Development Project Implementation invites you to a conversation about the development of tools to facilitate the implementation of innovations in healthcare. The workshop on September 5 will be a networking event where future development and collaboration around implementation and its tools are discussed freely and widely.
Pitch your company during Nordic Life Science Days 2023
This year's Nordic Life Science Days will take place in Copenhagen on November 29-30. The application for NLSDay's Nordic Stars 2023 is already open, a pitch competition where selected small and medium-sized life science companies are given the chance to pitch in front of an investor jury and the conference audience
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