New collaboration started with Sana Kliniken AG- the third largest hospital group in Germany
New collaboration started with Sana Kliniken AG- the third largest hospital group in Germany
On 15 December, 2021, Medtech4Health arranged a breakfast meeting together with Swecare. The purpose of the gathering was for us to introduce Sana Kliniken AG – the third largest hospital group in Germany with a turnover of over EUR 2.8 billion – to about 55 of our medtech SMEs that took the opportunity to talk to Sana at this digital meeting.
Welcomed by Jonas Sareld, program director at Medtech4Health, and Anna Riby, regional director at Swecare, Michael Hübner from Sana Digital presented Sana Kliniken AG. Sana Kliniken owns 51 hospitals with approx. 36.000 employees that care for around 2 million patients annually. In addition to inpatient care, Sana operates 28 medical care centers with more than 300 doctors in outpatient care. They also operate service organizations for hospital services as well as medical supply stores. Sana Digital, where Hübner is one of four team members, is responsible for co-operations and projects with digital start-ups / scale-ups in the healthcare sector.
After the presentation, where Hübner also explained what is important for Sana Digital in terms of future collaborations, the participants were able to introduce themselves very briefly and ask questions.
– Our expectations today were to meet with and get to know Swedish medtech companies better, says Michael Hübner. Therefore, we are now accepting applications from those companies that feel compelled and ready to deepen their contact with us and the German market. We are looking for digital products or services that are already introduced in healthcare and that are applicable to German-speaking users. Hopefully, we will be able to select some of them for an in-depth presentation in the spring of 2022.
– It feels really good that we were able to offer Swedish medtech companies this opportunity to get to know Sana Kliniken AG a little bit more, says Jonas Sareld, program director at Medtech4Health. Sana is a major player in the German healthcare market, which is said to be difficult to enter without the right contacts. We would like to thank Michael Hübner and Sana Kliniken AG, and both Swecare and Medtech4Health look very much forward to a continued co-operation with Michael and Sana in the coming year!
If you could not attend the meeting with Sana Kliniken AG you can still send them your application. We need it before 10 February, you will get feed-back on your application at the latest on 31 March. The application should be a maximum of one page in English. Email the application or questions to:
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