mt4h bibliotek huddinge-04

Applications for funding: Verification of new medtech products in clinical environments

A call for applications for project funding under the title Verification of new medtech products in clinical environments.

Who can apply?

Swedish small and medium-sized medtech companies, academia or research institutes may apply. It is a reqirement that both healthcare and the industry are involved in the projects seeking funding, either as partners or in other ways.

The project

This call for funding is intended for medtech projects that have reached a stage at which they need to test or verify their concept/solution in a clinical environment. 

How much?

Funding is for 50% of the total project cost. The maximum amount of funding that a project may apply for is SEK 500,000.


Applications will be accepted until 14 September 2016 at 14.00 CET (UTC +2 hours).

More information is available at (in Swedish only). Applications written in English are also accepted. If you have any questions please contact Reidar Gårdebäck +46 (0)73-765 23 83.


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* indicates required


More options at the Swedish contact page.

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Publicerad: 1 juli 2016


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