
Medtech4Health Innovation Award 2020 finalists

And the Medtech4Health Innovation Award 2020 finalists are…

A big thank you to all nominators and nominees for the Medtech4Health Innovation Award 2020! The jury has read the nominations and assessed all the many competent and successful implementations of innovative medical technology in healthcare we received. It was a tough job and the jury sends bouquets of flowers to you all! The finalists are:

Björn Nordlund, Henrik Ljungberg and Anna Carleborg for a self-care system for a large patient group with asthma, our most common chronic folk disease

The team has created an individualised decision support that facilitates everyday life for patients with asthma. Through precise dose recommendations based on the inividual patient’s treatment plan, current status, and wider factors such as pollen levels, the caregiver gets more effective decision support and an ongoing overview of the patient’s condition. A medical technology service with great potential – nationally as well as internationally.

Björn Nordlund and Henrik Ljungberg are active at the Lung and Allergy Clinic, Astrid Lindgren’s Children’s Hospital. Anna Carleborg works as a research nurse at the Karolinska Institute and Medituner AB.

Employees and management in home health care in Umeå municipality for a committed implementation project for the automatic delivery of dose-dispensed medicine

New technology and new ways of working have led to a more secure way to allocate medicine. Staff and management in four teams have introduced welfare technology in which everyone has been involved and to which all have contributed with ideas, experience and improvements. The result is patients who can maintain their independence longer, and with increased medication adherence. In addition, it has freed up time within the organisation to the benefit of patients, something very necessary today!

The team that made it happen is made up of 45 nurses, eleven under-nurses, three co-ordinating nurses, two section managers, two care co-ordinators, two operative assistants and two unit managers. Collaboration has taken place with primary care physicians in Umeå.

Andrea Stuart and Johanna Wagenius of Helsingborg Hospital, for introducing a gentle and effective method for the study of uterine cancer

The nominees opened a sepecialised section to investigate uterine cancer – without anesthesia. Patients can go home the same day and care places can be used as they are needed most. The method is also used to treat benign uterine changes that can cause bleeding problems in women. Through an exemplary implementation project, the team has introduced new technology and thus changed and streamlined work methods to increase patient safety and shorten hospital stays for a large patient group.

Johanna Wagenius is Operational Manager and Andrea Stuart is Head of Section at VO Obstetrics and Gynecology, Helsingborg Hospital.


Innovation Hive: Banbrytande teknik – lösningen för vårdens transformering och patientnytta

13 februari 2025|

Digitalisering och utveckling av AI-baserad teknik ger oss möjlighet att utveckla bättre arbetsflöden i vården. Resultatet kan bli avlastning för vårdpersonalen, en säkrare diagnostik och behandling. Men hur implementerar vi bäst medicintekniska lösningar så att de blir ett stöd för patienter, personal och vårdens struktur?


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Publicerad: 29 mars 2020



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