
MedTech Week 2019: IMA (Implant Movement Analysis) – part in the competition Medtech4Health Innovation Award 2019

In addition to other activities within Medtech Week the Strategic Innovation Programme Medtech4Health in Sweden announces the three finalists in the appreciated competition Medtech4Health Innovation Award. And of course, the winner among those will be highlighted. The contributions are presented in three digital small seminars. Second out is the other one of the contributors sharing second place:

The clinicians Per Wretenberg and Simon Tholén, together with researchers Henrik Olivecrona and Lars Weidenhielm, have developed a method that computer tomography to determine whether hip joint prostheses have come loose. The method called IMA (Implant Movement Analysis) has then been commercialized in cooperation with a medtech company (Sectra). This new technique offers more reliable diagnosis and reduces the use of surgery.

The film contains English subtitles, please review.

Twitter: #MedTechWeek

Medtech4Health supports medical technology development

The Lindesberg based Orthopedic and X-ray clinic (Lindesberg Hospital, Regional Council of Örebro) together with the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm won attention from Medtech4Health’s calls for nomination in the competition Medtech4Health Innovation Award 2019. The progress of their nomination to become finalist greated them this film to explain and spread the information of their innovation.

European MedTech Week 2019

This film was produced as part of our participation in this year’s European MedTech Week. During this week, 3rd to 7th June, medical technology is being celebrated across Europe. Every day, companies, universities and hospitals collaborate across the country to develop and test new products. Or to make existing products even better.

Share your story about what medical technology is for you or how has helped improve your health. Use the hashtag #medtechweek and #medtechweekSE. Visit Medtech Week’s official website for more information in English.

Original Swedish text by Medtech4Health.

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Publicerad: 6 juni 2019


Innovation Hive: Banbrytande teknik – lösningen för vårdens transformering och patientnytta

13 februari 2025|

Digitalisering och utveckling av AI-baserad teknik ger oss möjlighet att utveckla bättre arbetsflöden i vården. Resultatet kan bli avlastning för vårdpersonalen, en säkrare diagnostik och behandling. Men hur implementerar vi bäst medicintekniska lösningar så att de blir ett stöd för patienter, personal och vårdens struktur?


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