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Open call: MedTech Collaboration Project 2017

Call for funding appliations for the MedTech Collaboration Project 2017.

With this call for funding applications, Medtech4Health seeks to support projects that satisfy an important need and have the potential to lead to new products and services in existing or newly started companies and constellations. Innovation and commercial potential will be prioritised.

Mdtech collaboration project 2017

What can you apply for support for?

The call for funding applications is intended for collaborative projects that involve medical technology. The projects might use existing technology in a new way, or seek to develop technology that radically improves clinical results and/or makes healthcare more effective.

How much can you apply for?

Sixteen million Swedish kronor has been earmarked over 2 years to support projects that are awarded financial support under this call for funding applications. It is anticipated that this sum will be shared by 10-15 different projects. The maximum support level is 50% of each project’s total budget.

Who can apply?

The call for funding applications is intended for two or more partners where at least one of the partners is a business. Other partners may be universities or technical colleges, healthcare organisations, research institutes or other similar actors.
Note that non-Swedish partners are welcome, but only Swedish partners may co-ordinate a project.
All applications forms are in Swedish, but applications may be completed in English.

Important dates

Applications open: 21th June 2017
Last date for applications: 21th September 2017 at 14.00 (CET)
Interviews will be held: between 31st October and 1st November
Final decisions will be published in the middle of November
Project start: No later than 1st February 2018

Quick facts

Minimum number of partners (including co-ordinator): 2
Maximum number of partners (including co-ordinator): No limits
Nationality of partners: Open, but the co-ordinating partner must be Swedish
Language of applications: The Swedish language forms may be completed in English
Project start: 1st December 2017 – 1st February 2018
Project end: at latest 31 January 2020
Maximum sum per application: no ceiling
Minimum sum per application: SEK 500,000 in project costs

Application forms, contact people and more inormation is available at

Picture credit: BVMed.

Dela gärna detta!

Publicerad: 31 maj 2017


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