AIDA Caroline

New chance to make project proposals to AIDA

New chance to make project proposals to AIDA

The mission of AIDA is to contribute to putting AI innovations in diagnostic imaging to actual use in healthcare. This is, above all, done through the AIDA portfolio of subprojects from all over Sweden. Now AIDA has opened a new round of making proposals for such efforts, with a proposal deadline April 19, 2022.

There are several possibilities for support to efforts within AIDA’s scope: Partial funding up to 50%, access to technical infrastructure such as powerful computational systems, and access to a network of broad expertise. Currently, AIDA is soliciting proposals for Innovation Projects, Clinical Fellowships and Clinical Evaluations.

A main part of AIDA is innovation development projects: Propose an Innovation Project.

Care provider employees can engage in AI competence development in the form of a fellowship project: Propose a Clinical Fellowship.

AIDA also supports clinical evaluation of AI, where Swedish healthcare organizations evaluate commercially available AI solutions within diagnostic imaging: Propose a Clinical Evaluation.

The deadline for the current round is April 19, 2022, and the intent is that there will be further proposal rounds at regular intervals in the future.


God jul och gott nytt år önskar vi på Medtech4Health

20 december 2024|

Vi stänger 2024 fyllda av glädje och stolthet efter att ha läst nioårsutvärderingen av Medtech4Health. Utvärderingen fokuserar på de senaste tre åren fram till 2023 men täcker programmets utveckling från starten 2015. Mycket uppmuntrande läsning för alla oss som arbetar inom den medicintekniska sektorn.


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Publicerad: 9 mars 2022


God jul och gott nytt år önskar vi på Medtech4Health

20 december 2024|

Vi stänger 2024 fyllda av glädje och stolthet efter att ha läst nioårsutvärderingen av Medtech4Health. Utvärderingen fokuserar på de senaste tre åren fram till 2023 men täcker programmets utveckling från starten 2015. Mycket uppmuntrande läsning för alla oss som arbetar inom den medicintekniska sektorn.


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