Presentation Life Science startegin

Government presents national life science strategy

Government presents national life science strategy

On 12th November, at a joint press conference, government ministers Ibrahim Baylan (Enterprise), Matilda Ernkrans (Higher Education and Research) and Lena Hallengren (Health and Social Affairs) presented the national life science strategy. The strategy has been developed by the government through Jenni Nordborg, Director & National Co-ordinator of Sweden’s Life Sciences Office.

”We are particularly pleased that the government is identifying the necessity for specific bodies to ensure access to medical technology products,” says Anna Lefevre Skjöldebrand, CEO of Swedish Medtech. ”It will be crucial when the new medical technology regulation becomes effective in May 2020. It lays the foundation for good quality care that’s fair to all, and with a high level of patient safety.

”Swedish Medtech has actively contributed to the development through participation in the Life Sciences Co-ordinator’s collaboration group, as well as in various working groups on topics such as health data and precision medicine.

”We welcome the new strategy and are very positive about the determination to lift and strengthen life science in Sweden. We will now analyse the priority areas and see how we can contribute to the work ahead.”

Source: Swedish Medtech

The above is an English translation of this article.

Read more on the government’s website (in Swedish) >>


Innovation Hive: Banbrytande teknik – lösningen för vårdens transformering och patientnytta

Digitalisering och utveckling av AI-baserad teknik ger oss möjlighet att utveckla bättre arbetsflöden i vården. Resultatet kan bli avlastning för vårdpersonalen, en säkrare diagnostik och behandling. Men hur implementerar vi bäst medicintekniska lösningar så att de blir ett stöd för patienter, personal och vårdens struktur?


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Publicerad: 13 januari 2020


Innovation Hive: Banbrytande teknik – lösningen för vårdens transformering och patientnytta

Digitalisering och utveckling av AI-baserad teknik ger oss möjlighet att utveckla bättre arbetsflöden i vården. Resultatet kan bli avlastning för vårdpersonalen, en säkrare diagnostik och behandling. Men hur implementerar vi bäst medicintekniska lösningar så att de blir ett stöd för patienter, personal och vårdens struktur?


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