Kvinna och yngre man visar upp en prototyp till en proteshylsa


Projektledare Linda Nyden och Christoffer Lindhe, produktutvecklare med den funktionella proteshylsan

Collaboration is the key to the functional prosthesis sleeve

Ung man och medelålders kvinna håller upp en prototyp av en proteshylsa

Linda Nyden, project co-ordinator and Christoffer Lindhe, product developer display the prototype of a prosthetic sleeve

Collaboration is the key to the functional prosthesis sleeve

Christoffer Lindhe lives with three prostheses and runs the globally represented company Lindhe Xtend. He sees many possible improvements that can be made to prostheses on a daily basis and sought out Linda Nyden, project co-ordinator at Smart Textiles, University of Borås, to discuss his idea in more detail.

“As an engineer, I see many opportunities for innovation and development to improve the lives of myself and other amputees,” says Christoffer.

Linda Nyden and Christoffer Lindhe established a project consortium with Linus Nygren, Orthopaedic Engineer, Stina Isaksson, R&D Manager at Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus (SÄS) and Valter Dejke, Senior Scientist, RISE IVF.

This resulted in an application to the Collaborative Projects for Better Health call, which was awarded funding in 2017.

The outcome of the project was a prototype for a prosthetic sleeve with better pressure distribution, good microclimate properties and better adaptability to the stump of the residual limb. However, during the course of the work, additional needs were identified. Still to be further improved is the development of the current prototype with a vacuum function for an even better adaptation to the stump. This could not be achieved within the time frame of the project.

Ambitious goals – almost fully achieved

Linda Nyden explains that there were great expectations for what the project would achieve.

“We wouldn’t have got as far as we did without everyone’s input. We didn’t arrive at a final perfect prototype, but now we know what needs to be done. That’s a success in itself,” she says.

To be continued

During the project’s trials, Christoffer Lindhe gained new insights and fresh ideas. He is now taking these forward with his team at Lindhe Xtend.

Collaborating partners

  • University of Borås (Smart Textiles), project management and material development
  • Christoffer Lindhe, patient advocate
  • Lindhe Xtend, product developer
  • Södra Älvsborg Hospital, Research support in healthcare and Prosthetics specialist
  • RISE IVF Research Institute, Materials development and measurement and analysis of microclimate

Apply for funding in the Call for Collaborative Projects for Better Health  

Collaborative Projects for Better Health is a joint call with our sister organisation Swelife. It is open to projects with high innovation potential that contribute to improved prevention, diagnosis, monitoring or treatment.

Healthcare, academia, industry and the voluntary sector can apply for funding under the call. The project consortium must consist of at least three partners. There must be a significant end-user need and demand for the solution.

The call closes on 24 November, for projects starting in spring 2022.
Decisions will be sent out by 31 March 2022.

Read more and apply at vinnova.se

The above is a translation of Samverkan A och O för den funktionella proteshylsan.

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Publicerad: 1 november 2021


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