
Call for competence reinforcement in small businesses resulted in a quality management system for innovative compression products

Call for competence reinforcement in small businesses resulted in a quality management system for innovative compression products

The Western Swedish company PressCise has developed a patented technology for innovative compression products. The Lundatex® products, consisting of bandages and stockings, guarantee a precise target pressure regardless of who applies them and also regardless of the leg size and shape. The products are mainly used for the treatment of various leg diseases, such as venous insufficiency, edema, venous leg ulcers, lymphedema and other. PressCise recently completed a project that received funding from our Call for competence reinforcement in small businesses and therefore we contacted their CTO Josefin Damm to hear what the funding has contributed to.

– The goal of this project was to implement a quality management system, a so-called QMS, for medical devices as well as increasing the company’s expertise within quality management. With the new EU Regulations forMedical Devices, which entered into force May 2021, we need to maintain a QMS. Thanks to the funding, the company’s internal expertise in quality management work has increased, while at the same time the company’s competitiveness has been strengthened. We are convinced that this project has led to better management of our internal processes and will lead to higher quality of our medical devices.

We´re so glad to hear that! What will happen next?

  • We will continue to implement all the procedures that were established during the project, while our work to get our Lundatex® products out on the medtech market continues. Among other things, we have started up some additional test clinics around Sweden and, we can see an increased interest especially in our Lundatex® stocking, not least as a result of the increased focus on home and self-care that grows in the wake of the pandemic.

PressCise originates from an interdisciplinary research project between Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Borås, and Smart Textiles. Innovators include professor Torbjörn Lundh, biomathematician at Chalmers and deputy vice-chancellor at the University of Gothenburg, professor Erney Mattsson, vascular surgeon at NTNU Trondheim, and Josefin Damm, textile developer and CTO at PressCise. We wish them the best of luck and look forward to following their products way out in the world!

Read about the products here

Read more about the call here


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