international 1000×600

Are you planning an international launch for your medtech company? Medtech4Health can give you a faster way to the international market. Welcome to Medtech4Health’s seminar on 21 April. You will get an insight into the opportunities and support functions within EIT Health, Horizon Europe and EU SME Support.

The seminar will be held in English

When: 21:th of April, 9 AM to 10.45 AM

Where: Online, to register use the form below



Henrik Mindedal, Medtech4Health and MedTech West

Entrepreneur program EIT Health

Annika Szabo, Interim Managing Director EIT Health Scandinavia

Learn more about EIT Healths offers for SME:s. For example: patent innovation bootcamp, women entrepreneurship bootcamps, mentoring and coaching networks, Startups meet Pharma, and Startups meet healthcare.

More here:

The EIT Health Investor Network

Caroline  Saï, Operations Manager Angels Santé, Head of Investor Network, EIT Health, 

Investors in The EIT Health Investor Network share the ambition to accelerate start-ups and bring the most innovative ideas to health markets faster. EIT Health connects you to venture capitalists, corporate venture funds, family offices, angel networks, and super angels seeking to invest in seed, bridge, or Series A deals, up to €6 million.

More here:

Short break

Latest News from Horizon Europe

Nadine Schweizer, National contact point for life sciences and bioeconomy at Vinnova

In Horizon Europe, the EU builds on the work of strengthening the impact of research and innovation that addresses global challenges and achieves the UN’s sustainability goals. The European framework program for research and innovation has a budget of over € 95 billion and runs from 2021 to 2027. Nadie Schweizer will present possibilities for SME:s in Horizon Europe.

EU SME support: Free-of-charge advice to Swedish SME:s

Carolina Donnerin, RISE, EU SME support

EU SME support gives advice free-of-charge to Swedish small and medium sized enterprises in order to increase the number of applications to Horizon Europe, Eurostars and Innovation Fund. The participating organizations have interdisciplinary competence, wide experience of giving support to SMEs and are working actively all over Sweden.

More here:

Summary and discussion

Henrik Mindedal, Medtech4Health and MedTech West


Please register for the event with the form below. You will receive a link to the digital event by e-mail.

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Publicerad: 6 april 2022


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20 december 2024|

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