Closer co-operation with EAMBES

(Swedish original by Mona Jonsson, 9 April 2019, here.)

Medtech4Health’s Olof Lindahl visited the EAMBES Fellows meeting in Brussels 11-12 March 2019. The European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering & Science (EAMBS) is a not-for-profit international organisation that brings together most scientific societies and academic and research institutions in Europe involved with biomedical engineering. The main objective of EAMBES is to improve the health, wealth and well-being of the people of Europe through the use of biomedical engineering.

The objective of Olof Lindahl’s meeting with EAMBES was to discuss co-operation between EAMBES and Medtech4Health at the international level regarding international capital procurement and the impact of the EU’s future framework programme investments in medical technology.

Sweden has few members in the EAMBES and therefore has little influence on the work of the organisation today. We were invited to become more active and to register more research organisations as members. It was decided at the meeting to seek to achieve a closer co-operation, and this process is now underway.

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Publicerad: 16 april 2019



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