Medtech4health in Almedalen 2019
Above: Mona Jonsson and Jonas Sareld from Medtech4health
(Swedish original by Mona Jonsson, 5 July 2019, here.)
As in previous years, a small team travelled to the Swedish Political Week at Almedalen this summer to represent Medtech4health. At Almedalen 2019 we led some events and participated in many others.
Together with Swedish Medtech, the Swedish Society for Medical Engineering (MTF) and Uppsala University we organised a well-attended mix and mingle event. The theme for the year was “Medicine in the service of the patient” and we had the opportunity to hear two inspirational speakers, Maria Montefusco, General Secretary of Rare Diseases Sweden (Riksförbundet Sällsynta diagnoser) and Robin Åhrling, Chair of Ung Diabetes (the youth organisation of the Swedish Diabetes Association).
Seminars, panels, mix and mingles: all taking up the subject of healthcare and how it will – or ought – to work in the future. Tackling the challenge of an ageing population. Medical technology and new ways of working are helping to meet this challenge.
Before it was time to leave Almedalen, of course we had to try a local speciality – an amazingly good saffron pancake with cream and dewberry jam. Then we could leave Almedalen filled with new impressions, new contacts and a strengthened faith in the numbers of us who, together, want to contribute to better healthcare for all.
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