Invitation: “Swedish Medtech in the US”
The global Medtech market is projected to grow by 4.1 per cent annually between 2014 and 2020, reaching a value of $478 billion by the end of the decade. Today, the United States is the world leader by market size of the medical device industry, with total revenues of around $110 billion – around one-third of the $350 billion global medical device market.
Sweden is among the top five countries globally in terms of patents per capita, with Malmo and Stockholm as the top areas of innovation. With world-renowned medical and life science research institutions, Sweden serves as a model for the future of medical technologies and health care delivery. Hundreds of Swedish medical device companies are currently present in the USA, and there are many opportunities for others to enter the market as well.
Business Sweden has researched the US Medtech market thoroughly by observing, analysing and interviewing relevant Swedish companies that are active in the United States, along with American hospitals, clinics and retailers, in order to be able to present valuable, actionable insight for Swedish medical device companies interested in entering the market.
Free seminars
The events are free of charge but the number of places is limited.
Lund 19 September: information and registration.
Göteborg 20 September: information and registration.
Stockholm 22 September. information and registration.
Uppsala 22 September: information and registration.
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