10 projects share SEK 14.3 million – Medtech Collaborative Projects 2017
The review stage for funding applications for the 2017 Medical Technical Collaborative Projects is over and Vinnova has accepted ten projects. The projects will share a total of SEK 14.3 million over two years. Once again, this year’s approved projects are a really exciting selection that may make a real difference to the quality of life for patients suffering from, among other things, Parkinson’s disease and severe wounds. Medtech4Health funds may help improve survival after sudden cardiac arrest, reduce a type of side effect in cancer treatment and offer pain relief in conjunction with surgery for atherosclerosis.
About the call
This call for funding applications was looking for collaborative projects developing medtech innovations intended to solve a clinical problem in a new way. The projects were required to be collaborative endeavors between at least two parties. These might be companies, universities or colleges, health care organisations, research institutes or other relevant actors. Successful projects will receive financial support up to a maximum of 50% of the project’s total budget, and the duration of each project should be no more than two years.
More than 40 applications had been received when the application period closed on 21st September. Many of the projects applying were interesting but after a thorough study a short list was drawn up and these applicants were interviewed. Following the interviews, ten projects were selected to receive financing.
List of the 10 selected projects
NB: Co-ordinating party, project title in Swedish, (project title translated), total aid granted
Inerventions AB,
Inerventionsmetoden för Parkinson: utveckling av textila elektroder och ledare med innovativ intarsiateknik
(The Inervention Method for Parkinson’s: Development of textile electrodes and leaders with innovative intarsia technique)
SEK 1.4 million
The University of Lund,
Ventilator för effektivare hjärt-lungräddning
(Ventilator for more effective cardiovascular rescue)
SEK 1.2 million
Medvasc AB,
Solutio-förbättrad åderbråckskirurgi via nytt medicintekniskt instrument
(Solutio-enhanced spinal cord surgery via new medical device)
SEK 2 million
Inossia AB,
Mjukt bencement med mekaniska egenskaper anpassade till benskört ben
(Soft bone cement with mechanical properties adapted to bones with osteoporosis)
SEK 1 million
Ossdsign AB,
Utveckla det första syntetiska, biologiskt effektiva benersättningsmaterialet för steloperationer i ryggen
(Develop the first synthetic, biologically effective bone replacement for back surgery)
SEK 1.8 million
Lund University Faculty of Medicine, Thoracic surgery,
Icke ischemisk hjärtpreservation (NIHP) av det donerade hjärtat före transplantation
(Non-ischemic cardiac preservation (NIHP) of the donated heart before transplantation)
SEK 2.2 million
Cavis Technologies AB,
Innovativ kateterledare i klinik
(Innovative catheters in clinic)
SEK 1.8 million
Swerea IVF AB,
Smart frisättning från antimikrobiell cellulosatextil för hållbar sårvård av svårläkta kroniska sår
(Smart release from antimicrobial cellulose textiles for durable wound care of severe chronic wounds)
SEK 1.6 million
Blekinge County Council,
Användartestning av bildfunktion i sårläkningsprocessen – en personalfokuserad e-hälsolösning
(User testing of image function in the wound healing process – a staff-focused e-health solution)
SEK 800,000
Tada Medical,
Ny teknik för preventiv kylbehandling av oral mukosit vilket är en vanlig biverkning vid cancer behandling,
(New technique for preventive cooling of oral mucositis which is a common side effect in cancer treatment)
SEK 500,000
For an overview (in Swedish) of all projects that have been funded in any of Medtech4Health’s announcements, see the Financed Projects.
Är ni ett medicintekniskt företag och behöver extern kompetens?
Idag öppnar utlysningen Kompetensförstärkning i småföretag som ger SMF en möjlighet att stärka kompetensen genom att anlita en extern person under en projektperiod. Syftet är att förkorta tiden från idé till patientnytta
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