Don't miss the Health Data Sweden Hackathon on March 18-20. Here, the teams focus on creating new digital solutions that coordinate multiple healthcare actors in the treatment of a multi-ill patient.
Now there is a new way to speed up idea development, find European funding and achieve long-term success with implementation. Through EAMBES Fellows – Competence strengthening for innovation, you get access to some of Europe's leading experts in medical technology and biological research and development.
The report from the nine-year evaluation of Medtech4Health, spanning an entire year, is finally out. The evaluation highlights a well-managed programme that has made substantial progress since its inception.
As we close 2024, we do so with joy and pride after reviewing the nine-year evaluation of Medtech4Health. The evaluation focuses on the last three years, up to 2023, but also reflects on the programme's development since its inception in 2015. It provides encouraging reading for everyone working in the medical technology sector.
In November, Medtech4Health participated in the Swedish delegation to Singapore. One of the objectives was to strengthen the countries' relationship in the life science field by learning from Singapore's development and sharing Sweden's knowledge of innovative medical technology solutions.
Are there lessons to be learnt from other EU countries' implementation of innovative medical technologies in healthcare? A feasibility study funded by Medtech4Health explores the potential for international knowledge transfer.