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How Sweden can learn from Singapore’s investments in healthcare innovation
In November, Medtech4Health participated in the Swedish delegation to Singapore. One of the objectives was to strengthen the countries’ relationship in the life science field by learning from Singapore’s development and sharing Sweden’s knowledge of innovative medical technology solutions.
The Swedish delegation to Singapore brought together some fifty Swedish companies, authorities, universities and other organisations. The delegation was led by Swecare and Business Sweden on behalf of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and included Lena Strömberg, Programme Director of Medtech4Health.
“Singapore and Sweden are both smaller countries with a number of common challenges in the future of healthcare, including an ageing population, growing skills needs and rising healthcare costs. At the same time, we also share a generally highly educated population, a well-developed digitalised society and access to innovative technology. During the visit, we discussed, among other things, how we can share different solutions and also reach common ones,” says Lena Strömberg.
Shared opportunities
The trip included a series of study visits to research institutes, organisations and companies, including SingHealth, Singapore’s largest healthcare cluster. During panel discussions, roundtables and debates, representatives from both countries shared challenges and opportunities.
A symposium with leading experts and researchers from Singapore and Sweden on how innovations can help improve health and healthcare.
“Singapore is investing significant resources in developing new innovative medical technology solutions to meet the defined and shared healthcare needs of the future. They have a very interesting working model where they put the needs at the centre of new innovative solutions and where the clusters jointly contribute to the development – this allows for faster and easier implementation processes. “
The model includes a strong commitment from the country’s various healthcare organisations, making them clear actors responsible for identifying and running projects to both find and develop solutions that meet needs.
“This is a model that is particularly interesting for Medtech4Health’s challenge-driven companies that develop new innovative medical technology innovations with the needs in focus,” says Lena Strömberg.
The delegation resulted in the signing of several memoranda of understanding that can pave the way for future cooperation and deepen the relationship between the countries in both the life science and healthcare sectors. The delegation took place at the same time as the Swedish state visit, where cooperation in energy and mobility was also discussed. Many thanks to all participants in the Swedish delegations and to the organisers Swecare and Business Sweden.

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