Medtech serves humanity

Medtech4Health is a Strategic Innovation Programme within medical technology. We are a catalyst for more medical technological ideas and solutions in healthcare, a more efficient healthcare sector and a strengthened medical technology industry.

Medtech that serves humanity

Medtech4Health is a Strategic Innovation Programme within medical technology. We are a catalyst for more medical technological ideas and solutions in healthcare, a more efficient healthcare sector and a strengthened medical technology industry.

We fund Swedish medtech innovation

Through thematic calls and what we call strategic projects, Medtech4Health supports initiatives that focus on increasing the value of patients and users and lower systemic obstacles. We do this by funding innovative services, products, approaches and processes. Search our project portfolio, and read more about the projects that have received funding through Medtech4Health.

Ideas and networks all over Sweden

Representatives from all of Sweden´s health care regions together with academia,  industry and patient organisations form the base of the Medtech4Health ecosystem.

Based at the programme office in Stockholm Medtech4Health organizes
funding, events and systemic learning all over the country. Read more

Navigate the medtech ecosystem

Looking to invest, establish or build partnerships in Sweden?  We´ll point you in the right direction. Do not hesitate to get in contact with

Inspiration, knowledge and community

Inspiration, knowledge and community