Apply for a Technical Fellowship
Are you a computer scientist or an engineer with interest in AI development? Or do you have experience of AI and want to broaden your competence in AI technology for medical imaging? Then a technical fellowship with AIDA could be your thing.
At the moment, no call for technical fellowships is in progress
Below you can find information on what the project form previously looked like, which very likely will be valid next time as well. The date for the next opportunity has not been decided.
A technical fellowship within AIDA is an individual project where you work with AI-based decision support in medical imaging together with clinical counterparts. The time plan can be fully individualized. Individuals employed at Swedish organizations are welcome to apply, for shorter and longer efforts, possibly spread over time.
The offer includes up to 50% financing of the costs and access to a unique arena with experts and tools. So, instead of paying extra for an education, the employer gets an update of an employee skill set while being compensated for half of the work hours.
Complete information about the application can be found here: Technical fellowship opportunity.
Proposals should be described using the template Template AIDA technical fellowship proposal. The proposal is submitted to the Arena Director Claes Lundström at Incoming proposals are then refined in a dialog with the Arena Director. Therefore, we recommend submitting a first version well in advance of the deadline.
If you are interested in a fellowship but do not have a concrete project idea, AIDA can assist in developing content and collaborations. Contact the Arena Director well in advance of the deadline.
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AIDA has a physical base at Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization, CMIV, at Linköping University. CMIV has a long experience of working with techniqual challenges within medical imaging and implement innovations in clinical practice. CMIV is also internationally recognized for its interdisciplinary excellence in medical image science and the close collaboration with the clinic. You can read more about CMIV and AIDA at