Analytic Imaging Diagnostics Arena, AIDA
AIDA is a Swedish arena for research and innovation on artificial intelligence, AI, for medical image analysis. Here, academia, healthcare and industry will meet to translate technical advances in AI technology into patient benefit in the form of clinically useful tools. AIDA is an initiative within the Strategic innovation program Medtech4Health, jointly supported by VINNOVA, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
The technical development within AI has been extremely strong in recent years. Modern AI is a toolbox that fits perfectly into the healthcare vision of “precision medicine”, the fully tailored treatment for each patient. The potential is particularly accentuated in diagnostic imaging, that is, radiology and pathology, where many research studies have shown that AI solutions have tremendous potential for improving quality and efficiency of care.
Despite the recognized potential, few AI solutions have yet reached actual use in healthcare. The reason is that the step from experiments to clinical routine entails many challenges that you don’t come across in a research lab. Unlike the lab environment, this “clinical wilderness” requires robust handling of all situations, even where incoming data are of poor quality, are contradictory or incomplete, as well as managing constant change of, for example, the set of data sources and human operators. Even the most powerful algorithms need to be carefully placed in a context of workflow and interaction innovations to be useful.
AIDA’s objective is to develop AI-based decision support solutions for imaging diagnostics that reach all the way to clinical use. An underpinning fundamental insight is that this complex challenge requires both interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration.
Engaging with AIDA
All companies, academic groups and health care providers interested in AI in diagnostic imaging are welcome to join AIDA. There are many possibilities to formal AIDA efforts with partial funding. But you can join also without defined project ideas as a Network partner (full description here), and among other benefits take part of the knowledge exchange within AIDA.
News from Medtech4Health
Så kan nya AI-verktyg för bilddiagnostik valideras före implementering
När AI används som ett beslutsstöd inom bilddiagnostik får vården bättre förutsättningar för diagnostik och behandling. Nu avslutas projektet VAI som tagit fram flera plattformar för validering av AI-verktygen innan de används.
New chance to make project proposals to AIDA
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AIDA shares data worldwide
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AIDA Day September 2020
AIDA Day in September would have been relocated to a place other than Linköping for the first time since AIDA started. Lund would be the first to host. Due to the fact that the situation is as it is, it was instead a well-attended meeting at a distance.
Unique Resource for AI Research in Medical Imaging
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AIDA blog: A milestone for ethics in clinical data sharing
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AIDA has a physical base at Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization, CMIV, at Linköping University. CMIV has a long experience of working with techniqual challenges within medical imaging and implement innovations in clinical practice. CMIV is also internationally recognized for its interdisciplinary excellence in medical image science and the close collaboration with the clinic. You can read more about CMIV and AIDA at