AIDA Organization
AIDA is a community of a large number of partners around Sweden, organizations from academia, healthcare and industry interested in AI for diagnostic imaging. See the map to the right for an overview. A good summary is also given by the listing of project and fellowship efforts, accessible in the menu to the right.
The arena is built and administered by the AIDA core partners: Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV) at Linköping University, Sectra AB, and Region Östergötland.
One part of the AIDA arena is the AIDA Data Hub (see the menu for more information), which formally is a part of SciLifeLab. The interplay between Medtech4Health and SciLifeLab is illustrated below.
Arena Management
The arena is lead and developed by a management group:
- Scientific Director Claes Lundström (LiU, Sectra)
- Arena Director Caroline Bivik Stadler (LiU)
- Data Director Joel Hedlund (LiU)
- Financial Officer Catrin Nejdeby (LiU)
The highest decision-making body in AIDA is its steering group, appointed by the Board of Medtech4Health. The AIDA Steering group consists of:
- Lena Strömberg, Medtech4Health (chairman)
- Katrine Riklund, Umeå University/Norrland University Hospital
- Örjan Smedby, Royal Institute of Technology
- Carolina Wählby, Uppsala University
- Ida Blystad, Region Östergötland
- Catharina Sandberg, LEAD
- Maria Landgren, Vinnova
AIDA has a Clinical Council that prioritizes the efforts in the proactive collection of training datasets on behalf of the AIDA Data Hub:
- Johan Henriksson, Stockholm
- Sofia Jarkman, Linköping
- Michael Kercsik, Gothenburg
- Mats Lidén, Örebro
- Mats Wolving, Gothenburg
All activity within AIDA conducted by projects and core partners are funded up to 50% by VINNOVA and remaining costs are counter-financed by the respective parties.
The partners constituting the active AIDA community is a broad and growing group. In march 2022, the constellation is as follows. In academia and healthcare, the partners are often at department or division level, and the number of partners per organization is given in parantheses.
- Academia
- Chalmers University of Technology (1)
- Halmstad University (1)
- Karolinska Institute (2)
- Linköping University (4)
- Lund University (3)
- Royal Institute of Technology (1)
- University of Gothenburg (2)
- Uppsala University (3)
- Healthcare
- Region Dalarna (1)
- Region Skåne (4)
- Region Stockholm (3)
- Region Södermanland (1)
- Region Uppsala (2)
- Region Västra Götaland (1)
- Region Örebro Län (1)
- Region Östergötland (2)
- Industry
- ContextVision AB
- Inify Laboratories AB
- Knowit Connectivity AB
- Medviso AB
- Novamia AB
- Proact IT Sweden AB
- RaySearch Laboratories AB
- Sectra AB
- Siemens Healthcare AB
- Spearpoint analytics AB
- Spectronic Medical AB
- Sweden Medtech4Health AB
- Unilabs AB
News from Medtech4Health
Så kan nya AI-verktyg för bilddiagnostik valideras före implementering
När AI används som ett beslutsstöd inom bilddiagnostik får vården bättre förutsättningar för diagnostik och behandling. Nu avslutas projektet VAI som tagit fram flera plattformar för validering av AI-verktygen innan de används.
New chance to make project proposals to AIDA
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AIDA shares data worldwide
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AIDA Day September 2020
AIDA Day in September would have been relocated to a place other than Linköping for the first time since AIDA started. Lund would be the first to host. Due to the fact that the situation is as it is, it was instead a well-attended meeting at a distance.
Unique Resource for AI Research in Medical Imaging
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AIDA blog: A milestone for ethics in clinical data sharing
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AIDA has a physical base at Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization, CMIV, at Linköping University. CMIV has a long experience of working with techniqual challenges within medical imaging and implement innovations in clinical practice. CMIV is also internationally recognized for its interdisciplinary excellence in medical image science and the close collaboration with the clinic. You can read more about CMIV and AIDA at