Network Partnership with AIDA
AIDA started out by forming three cornerstones. The first is development of AI-based decision support solutions for routine clinical use, where many research and innovation projects are running, run by leading research groups from academia and industry across Sweden. The second component is a group of clinical fellows, radiologists and pathologists, working with AI projects in collaboration with other AIDA partners. Thirdly, there is a core technical infrastructure tailormade for training and evaluation of modern AI solutions.
AIDA has now added a fourth cornerstone to the arena called Network Partners, to create a broader network of stakeholders. This expansion is a low-threshold opportunity for companies, academic institutions and healthcare providers to benefit from the knowledge and resources within AIDA. The benefits of being an AIDA Network Partner include:
- Access to the AIDA internal events, such as workshops on practicalities of state-of-the-art machine learning
- Access to assets shared by other AIDA partners, such as image data for model training and clinical innovation ideas
- General access to the community of AIDA partners, to learn from their expertise and to explore potential collaboration opportunities
- Access to the AIDA technical infrastructure, such as image and meta-data handling and storage, annotation systems, and tailored computational resources
The obligation of an AIDA Network Partner is simply an annual service fee of 10,000 SEK. The price for use of the infrastructure is determined by the AIDA Steering Group and reflects that AIDA is a non-profit organization.
If the opportunity of being an AIDA Network Partner is interesting to your organization, please contact us at
Så kan nya AI-verktyg för bilddiagnostik valideras före implementering
När AI används som ett beslutsstöd inom bilddiagnostik får vården bättre förutsättningar för diagnostik och behandling. Nu avslutas projektet VAI som tagit fram flera plattformar för validering av AI-verktygen innan de används.
New chance to make project proposals to AIDA
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AIDA shares data worldwide
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AIDA Day September 2020
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Unique Resource for AI Research in Medical Imaging
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AIDA blog: A milestone for ethics in clinical data sharing
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AIDA has a physical base at Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization, CMIV, at Linköping University. CMIV has a long experience of working with techniqual challenges within medical imaging and implement innovations in clinical practice. CMIV is also internationally recognized for its interdisciplinary excellence in medical image science and the close collaboration with the clinic. You can read more about CMIV and AIDA at